OK, But What Do I Prepare For?          (25)

Before you can prepare, you must determine what you are preparing to survive and how

 each disaster threatens you, your safety and survival. That will give you the parameters

 necessary for the following steps.

This initial exercise isn't tough, it only takes a few minutes of thought.

 We suggest you jot notes or switch into your word processor while you work.

What's going to happen in the next five years? lf we knew, our web page would look different.

 You'll have to extrapolate, evaluate trends, read the newspaper, and conduct your own research.

 At the very least, take a few minutes and consider your location. Pull out a map and look

what's within a two-mile, five-mile 1O-mile and 25-mile radius of your home and place of work.

 Put on your pessimist hat and consider what might go wrong that could directly impact you.

Decide if that's something you want to prepare for (see questions one and two, below).

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

What natural disasters or extreme conditions am I (we) I likely to face in the next five years?

Make a list and rank them in order of most to least likely to impact you. Your list might look like this:

Natural Disasters


Hurricanes                                  Tornadoes

Heavy thunder storms                Flash flooding

Flooding                                     Mud/rock slides

High winds                                 Hail

Severe winter weather               Avalanche

Extreme high heat                      Drought


Non Weather-related

Earthquake                               Volcano eruption

Tidal wave/Tsunami



Man-made Disasters

War (conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear) 

Toxic material emission or spill (from a train, semi-truck or nearby plant)

 Riot or other civil disorder

Nuclear plant melt down or other nuclear disaster

Terrorism                                                       Fire

Government action against you                     Stock market crash Sever depression



Plague or disease outbreak                           Comet strike or giant meteor


Personal Emergencies

Kidnapping Mugging, robbery or other criminal attack

Unemployment financial disaster

Death in family                                            Home destroyed by fire

Random acts of violence

What are the ramifications of each item on my list.??

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