The King James Bible Code
The King James Bible has a numbering that
shows the signature of God. Not one book of any kind written by man or myth
can show such a pattern. The honesty and integrity is built in by the
Author. That's why it's called by a name that no other "Bible" can claim,
Number Symbolic Meaning
1> Unity,
2> Union Witnessing
3> Trinity, Grace
in Resurrection
4, 40> Testing
5> Death,
Separation. Separation in death in every 5th chapter, Jesus died the perfect
death with 5 wounds in His body. Your body has 5 members and will die, the
first death in the Bible was Gen. Chapter 5 verse 5; more people die in the month of May
then any other month. It is also when we honor the dead on Memorial Day.
When a plane is going to crash, the pilot turns to 500 kilocycles and say
says “May Day, May Day.”
6> weakness of Man,
mankind, Evils of Satan, manifestation of sin 666 = trinity of Satan
7> Grace in
completeness, Spiritual Perfection, Word of God Ps. 12:6-7
8>Grace in New
Birth, New beginning, new creation
9> Grace in fruit
of the Spirit, fruit bearing
10> Grace for
Gentiles (Acts 10)
11> Judgment
12> Government
13> Depravity and
rebellion, The beast, Curse
14> Grace in
deliverance, salvation
15> Love
An honest translation will
the missing Greek words. If it doesn't, it has stolen them from the King
James Bible without commenting. And that my friend is how crooked publishers