


 Truth about Minerals


The mineral content of food continues to decline The human body cannot produce minerals. The human body cannot store minerals. Unless the human body is able to get food source minerals on a consistent basis in sufficient amounts - it is just a matter of time before the health of a persons body begins to deteriorate.

Minerals perform a wide variety of valuable and necessary functions

Dr. Bob foster

Tel. 214-356-2588

For example:

Minerals work with enzymes to control the responses of our muscles. Minerals help control our nervous systems and the beating of our hearts.

Protein, the building blocks of the body, cannot be formed without the presence of calcium, nitrogen and sulfur.

The entire digestive system relies upon the vagus nerve. This nerve cannot function properly without potassium.

Vitamins cannot work unless minerals are present. For example, vitamin B12, needed for strong blood flow requires the presence of the mineral cobalt. Minerals are needed to combine with some vitamins to remove internal gaseous waste products.

Since the insulin molecule contains zinc, and since diabetes results from an insulin shortage, there is the possibility that a deficiency of the mineral zinc may be involved with the ailment.

Minerals have the power to control body liquids and to permit other nutrients to pass into the blood-stream. Without minerals, these other nutrients cannot do their proper jobs.

Blood coagulation is controlled by a mineral action. This means that bruises cuts, scratches and wounds must have minerals for the healing processes.

 Alertness, youthful zest, energy, and thought power all require such minerals as manganese, copper cobalt, iodine, zinc, magnesium and Phosphorus for maximum efficiency.

Minerals in the bloodstream act to create a germ-killing action. Therefore, minerals have the ability to create antibodies directly within the body's system, provided that the other essential raw materials are present.

Minerals are essential for strong bones and teeth.

We need all of the mineral elements, not just one or two. This means that if we have a short-age of just one mineral, the body machinery in its entirety can become upset.

The need for minerals is constant. Minerals must be supplied by food and water. According to Bernard Spur, Ph.D., All human life depends upon minerals. (Bernard Spur, "Minerals Metabolism and its Functions in Nutrition")

When minerals are adequately supplied, they can help make a strong, healthy body. When minerals are lacking-individually or collectively-disease will eventually set in.

Dr. Melchior Dikkers, a retired professor of bio-chemistry at Loyola University, of Los Angeles believes that mineral-stared foods threaten millions of Americans despite the country's reputation of being “The best fed nation on earth."

Dr. Dikkers says: "Malnutrition exists in the U.S. but it is not caused by a lack of food, but a lack of nutrients in the food due to mineral-poor soil, chemical fertilizers, preservatives and refining processes used in food preparation."

When however, minerals in natural organic forms were used, health flourished. Our essential minerals should be organic. Inorganic minerals can be toxic and in insufficient quantity this is demonstrated. A leading cause of death in small children is iron intoxication, or poisoning. It comes from inorganic iron supplements. The baby gets Mama's bottle of iron pills. The baby eats too many. It kills the baby. Organic minerals are found in natural food. Organic minerals, like vitamins, are in balanced proportions in natural food. Most mineral supplements are inorganic.

They are made from rock or clay!

To build upon the potency of the Custom Trace Mineral Blend, GNLD chose other natural mineral sources. This formula assures that significant, dietary amounts of each mineral are pre-sent and not subject to fluctuations in raw material content.


The reason a person has a health problem is a lack of a sufficient quantity of correct nutrients the cell needs to properly perform for continued good health. A stimulate does not feed the cell the missing basic nutrients the cells needs for continued good health, it prods the cell to get the cell to perform correctly - the person feels good, the medical tests look good, and every one thinks things are super, super.

But when a stimulate prods a Persons cells to get the cell to perform as it should - it uses up the nutrients the cell is already short in at a faster rate than normal .

Over a period of time the cell gets even more depleted of the basic nutrients that the cell needs to perform - the stimulate will no longer work - the person is going to be in worse shape health wise than they were to start with and show signs of premature aging.

There was a time when cocaine use in the United States was legal, and it could even be bought in grocery stores. At first, everyone thought cocaine was wonderful, and its use was widely encouraged.

Sigmund Freud called it a "miracle cure" which could be used to stave off fatigue and bring energy.

Even Pope Leo XIII gave it an unofficial blessing, claiming that it facilitated creativity. Some medical men marveled at its anesthetic properties, announcing that it enhanced a patient's well-being.


Thus, at first, cocaine's value was widely heralded, and it was used by millions because it seemed to help them. Satisfied customers everywhere provided glowing testimonials to its effectiveness.

The tragic end results came later. After cocaine had been in use for a while in the United States, President William Howard Taft said cocaine was "more appalling in its effects" than any other substance in the country.


Cocaine comes from a plant it is so called, "natural."

In many ways, the use of present dry "natural" products that act as stimulants in the human body are similar to the use of cocaine.


They work or they seem to. They cure what ails you or seem to. They make you feel good. Every-one recommends them. The glowing testimonials by satisfied customers are endless. But the results are very deceptive.

The result of stimulants that make a person feel good is malnourishment.



The key for having continued excellent good health is a person’s relationship with God and being able to give their bodies the correct amount and correct whole food complex nutrients on a consistent basis.

The human body needs 18 food source minerals, 10 B vitamins from whole food complex, and whole food vita-min C in its blood stream.


All of these nutrients are water soluble and cannot be stored in the blood. Unless a person gets them on a

consistent, continual basis the body will run short - which will result in a multitude of health problems.

It is also a known fact that stimulants speed up the aging process. A person on any stimulant for an extended time could cause extreme aging. No doubt you have seen some people who look much older then their age.

More times then not, it is due to a drug use such as a stimulant. The depletion of minerals from cells plus the speed up of the metabolism causes the body a strain on muscles. The result is extreme tiredness when the stimulant wears off. The upper has become a downer.

One stimulant boasts of No Carbohydrates, Ephedra-free, Caffeine-free, Sugar-free, Sodium-free, No artificial Flavors or colors, Hypo-Allergenic, safe for children, can be used with all medications and compatible with all treatments.

But the end result is the same when the stimulant wears off. All the person has done was to speed up the aging process.

Another stimulant called Metabolife has a warning on the label that says, "Not sold to or for use by individuals under 18 years of age. Warning: this product has ephedrine group alkaloids  

"Common Side Effects. A loss or decrease in appetite is the most frequently reported side effect of the stimulant medications and supplements, When administering an afternoon dosage, the risks of insomnia and appetite suppression need to be considered." (Barkley, McMurray, Edelbrock & Robbins, 1990).


Serious Side Effects. Stimulant medication has been shown to unmask a tic in 9% of children started on stimulant medication (Lipkin, Goldstein, & Adesman, 1994). Tics are involuntary, non-purposeful, repetitive muscle movements or vocalizations, such as eye-blinking, facial grimacing, sniffing, snorting, throat clearing, coughing, and compulsive utterances. The tics usually abate with the discontinuation of the medication or stimulant;

The stimulant Hallucinogen has side effects listed as Illusions and hallucinations; Altered perception of time and distance.

This information is courtesy of the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Some say, That Biphetamine; also called Desoxyn; Dexedrine; Obetrol; Ice, can result in Increased alertness; Excitation; Euphoria; Increased pulse rate & blood pressure; Insomnia; Loss of appetite.

Many of these stimulants are taken for the sole purpose of weight loss. The stimulants depletes the body of nutrients needed, speeds up the metabolism in the body and suppresses the appetite. This deprives the cells of the vitamins needed for 1. continued good health and 2. long life.

The U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). goes on to say that the use of Coke; Flake; Snow; Crack, caused Increased alertness; Excitation; Euphoria; Increased pulse rate & blood pressure; Insomnia; Loss of appetite

The older we get the more likely we need correct vitamins. No stimulant can replace or be used as a substitute.

•     Our stomachs may not absorb food and medication as well as they did before.

•     Our kidneys and livers don't eliminate fluids and toxins in the same efficient manner.

•     Skin "dries up," making us more vulnerable to bruises.

•     Our lung capacity diminishes, which increases risk of pneumonia and diseases caused by smoking or air pollution (emphysema).

•     Muscles and joints weaken and wear out, making injury to hips, legs, and wrists more likely from even a simple fall.

•     The heart and circulatory system loose peak efficiency.

•     The senses we depend on--hearing, sight, taste--change subtly and affect mobility (driving a car) or pleasure (sexuality).

•     The body's weight and composition changes, so that "usual" doses of medication require adjustments.

•     Our immune systems decline, making us more prone to both infection and cancer.

•     Our memories may deteriorate as chemical changes or clogged arteries cause brain cell damage.


No stimulant offers help in any of these areas. Stimulants actually can cause these things to happen sooner as they over work the cells in liver and kidney and muscles. Our joints may wear out sooner by taking a stimulant over a long period of time.


The only sake and sure way for a healthy body-life is by taking vitamins and minerals that are natural food.

Here is a warning from the Food and Drug Administration about stimulant supplements.

The following is a warning from such to Those who place stimulants in their products.

In a 15 page letter to Ms. Eileen Xxxxxxx (Vice president, Regulatory Affairs) Xxxxxxxxx Inc.600 s. Xxxxx Xxxx  - suite XXX -  Coppell, Texas 75019 - Dated Feb. 28, 2001

Dear Ms. Xxxxxxx:


In response to your claims regarding Axxxxxxxxe


(Note: Asparate, Citrate, Succinate, and Bitartrate are chemicals produced in a scientific lab. They are not natural. They have been altered bio-chemically and can be found in any over the counter drug store in a multivitamin/mineral for less than $7.)

Make the real choice for real vitamins made from food God intended us to eat.


Statement of the Surgeon General of the United States The Surgeon General, Healthy People: The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, DREW, Pub. Nos. 79-55071 and 79-55071A

Prepared by Hal Ewing B.Sc. in Nutrition (Health Consultant)

for more information or to order

GNLD Vitamin Supplements.

Dr. Bob Foster

3537 Glenda dr.

Grand Prairie Texas 75052


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